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panasonic lumix fs4

Giá bán: 2.696.600đ

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Danh mục: Kỹ thuật số

Chủng loại: Máy ảnh

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06 Hàng Bài - Hà Nội
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Auto Scene Mode Superb 4x Optical Zoom Lens with f/2.8 Brightness Long Battery Life - 410 Images High-resolution Intelligent LCD Auto Scene Mode In Auto Scene Mode, the camera senses the ambient conditions and automatically selects either Scenery, Portrait, Macro, Night Portrait or Night Scenery mode accordingly. Two detection functions are also activated simultaneously in Auto Scene Mode; Face Detection AF/AE detects faces in the frame, and Intelligent ISO Control detects subject movement. With the Auto Scene Mode doing all the complicated work for you, you'll find photography easier than ever to enjoy. Superb 4x Optical Zoom Lens with f/2.8 Brightness The 8.1-megapixel resolution DMC-FS4 packages a superb f/2.8 LUMIX DC VARIO lens with 4x optical zoom (35mm film camera equivalent: 33-132mm) into a compact body. The bright f/2.8 lens allows you to capture beautiful pictures in low conditions, and helps to prevent image blurring due to hand shakes. The 4x optical zoom lets you capture distant subjects without degrading image quality. Long Battery Life - 410 Images With the long battery life of DMC-FS4, you no longer need to worry about your camera running dry during shooting. The DMC-FS4 can deliver 410 images per battery charge, easily fulfilling your needs for a full day of shooting. High-resolution Intelligent LCD The DMC-FS4’s 2.5-inch LCD has a total of 230,000 dots for high resolution. It features the Intelligent LCD function. The Auto Power LCD function increases the backlight brightness in 11 steps according to the ambient light intensity. At the highest of these 11 steps, the LCD backlight becomes approx. 1.4 times brighter than normal. This makes both shooting and viewing photos easier and more convenient.

Digiworld Hà Nội
Trụ sở chính: 06 Hàng Bài - Hà Nội
Thiện thoại: (+84)43 9364333
Hotline: (+84) 0913389718
Website : http://digiworldhanoi.vn
Email: support@digiworldhanoi.vn
Thông tin tài khoản
Tên chủ tài khoản: NGUYỄN VĂN LỢI
Số tài khoản: 0011001777629 (Tại ngân hàng TMCP Ngoại Thương Việt Nam)
Lưu ý: Khách hàng trước khi chuyển tiền, xin vui long gọi tới số ĐT: 043.9364333
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