Drinks Cocktail Mixing video DVD
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Học cách pha đồ uống và cocktail với "Drinks & Cocktail Mixing" video DVD
Thomas Bitler a professional bartender 11 years at the Waldorf Astoria in NY presents the magic
of mixing drinks and explaining how to professionally create 50 of the most popular drinks
cocktails and non alcoholic cocktails, at home. You will learn what you need in your drinks
cabinet, how to create a Bartender station, type of glasses, garnishes and presentation as well
as the specific ingredients for every drink.
Giá: 20.000 đ/DVD
Liên hệ:
Điện thoại : 0983 193 569
Email: trungdq@yahoo.com
Tài khoản Vietcombank: 0011 000 483 001
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